Jericó Flower: Stories and curiosities

This flower called rose of jericho belongs to the great family of ferns. And there is something about her that has us tremendously fascinated. Here the magic begins. Throughout her life you can see her in 2 different ways.

  • 1. One of them is made into a ball, like a very withered bush. You will find it like this when you don’t like the site it is on. It’s his way of saying he needs a change.
  • 2. But beware! When it is good, you will find it extended and of a green color that many would like. You will see it like this especially when the humidity levels are to your liking. The humid environment is undoubtedly his favorite.

Your name

It is not only known as rose of jericho. It has more than one name. They also call it doradilla or resurrection plant. This last nickname once again reaffirms all the magical ideas that surround it.

The moment in which it was given the name of rose of jericho is not really known, nor why. It is believed that it was found and brought to Jericho by travelers in the early Middle Ages. But there is not much more data on her.


This plant is considered one of the most magical there is. It is considered a sacred plant. It has been used for thousands and thousands of years by shamans and witches. Because of the endless magical properties it possesses. What are those properties? It is said and commented that the rose of jericho is capable of absorbing negative energies from the place where it is located. The best of all is what it does with those bad energies, this flower is capable of transforming them into positive ones.

This plant has been used for so many years that it has acquired various magical uses. One of the most prominent is that it has the property of blessing and protecting houses. In addition to attracting luck, money and fortune in business. Having this little plant at home makes all the good things go.

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