10 strategies that will help you attract money

  • 1. Be tidy
    When you keep track of your expenses and debts in order, you know where your money is staying. The order should also be reflected in your bag, vouchers, bills and inside your wallet.
  • 2. Use common sense
    Not everything that is sold has the best prices or serves what you need. Knowing how to compare before choosing will help you make the best decision. “We need to take care of ourselves,” Chelminski warned.
  • 3. Stay informed
    Having the correct information when choosing a financial product will help you make the best decisions about the use and disposition of your resources, recommended the expert Adina Chelminsky.
  • 4. Resignify money
    Find a different word to denominate money and call it what you like best: “Instead of saying 300 pesos, change it for 300 soles, for example”. This will serve to personalize money and change its negative meaning, said Jesús Piña.
  • 5. Eliminate spending guilt
    Imagine that you have a “cosmic” credit card. Give yourself a moment of the day to buy what you have wanted most. “Every time you buy, the money on your card will triple,”.
  • 6. Give in order to receive
    Look around your house for things that you no longer use and donate them to those who may need them. “A full glass doesn’t fit, but if you start sharing with others what you have, they will also share with you,” said Jesús Piña.
  • 7. Believe, wish and act
    Think of an idea to earn more money, change jobs, activate some talent or start an investment. Write it down on a piece of paper, put it in a balloon, release it and repeat: “My age is beautiful for my new project” and Start it!, recommended the psychotherapist Jesús Piña.
  • 8. Surround yourself with positive people
    Attend workshops, conferences or courses that provide you with information to improve your behavior. “If you surround yourself with people with healthy financial habits, it will be easier for you to adopt them,” said the founder of Creators of successes Ana Cortés.
  • 9. Call abundance
    When you feel overwhelmed by not having money, go to a restaurant and eat without worrying or do an activity that relaxes you. “Freeing yourself from tension and stress will help you think of actions that you can implement to generate more money or get out of your economic problem,”
  • suggested Ana Cortés.
  • 10. Take the first step
    Think of something you want to buy yourself that you couldn’t. Start by saving even a little money in an envelope. Gradually add more until you have the amount you need. Achieving it will imply more work, but it will be the first step to break the taboo of not being able to obtain it, explained the Ibero academic.
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